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e) Shaikh Hafeez Sayyed Kashif Qadir al Himami said he used to follow Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah from a very long time as he used to recive the entire memorised texts from him (late). He used to follow (late) till the death of Nafaisee, and then followed Mawlana Attar Rehmatullah Albani (ra), but after his death he followed Sheikh Shahabuddin of Ranchore as-Sukandi. In one of his lectures he asked Nafaisee (late) about the repetition of narrations of Bukhari, and he said: Bukhari (ra) is a liar (contrary to the beautiful and noble hadith of Imam Zainudin i. e. Sahihah al Bukhari is Sahih) and the worst of the narrators. Nafaisee (late) replied: and the worst of the writers. [Kashif al Himami lecture 30] f) Sheikh Shuayb Arnaoot said in his lecture 102. He said that Ibn Hajar narrates in Fath al Bari in Tareekh al Maarif in a number of narrations from a narration that the author of Kutub ul Aqwam has reported from Abu Hurayra r.a that he heard Prophet peace be upon him say: The best of the people after the Sahaba is Usama bin Zayd r.a, and the same narration has been recorded in the Manaqib of Ibn Abi Mulajim by Bayhaq. Thus these two authorities Ibn Abi Sulaiman r.a and Ibn Khuzaymah (ra) are agreed with each other. [see chapter II:102 in Tareekh Baghdad]
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g) Shaykh Abu al Fadil Abi Ma'sud r.a in Tareekh e Kashmir said that Abu Bakr r.a narrated from the hadeeth of Hashim (sister of Prophet peace be upon him) where she said: She (uqoot) went to his father and said: I am ready to accept Islam, Can he do it? His father replied: O my child I am afraid that he will kill me. She replied: No Allah has said that he will not kill you, he is not aware of that; and later (on) his father said that this is a blessing on me. If she (uqoot) enters he will enter (too). [Tareekh e Kashmir by Abu al Fadl Abi Ma'sud r.a no. 63]